Identification |
Official Latin term | lingua |
Official subsidiary term | tongue |
Unit identifier | TAH:U2403 |
Unit type | single |
Materiality | material |
Navigation |
Taxonomic definition |
Taxonomic definition | The tongue is an anatomical heterogeneous complex [complexus heterogeneus anatomicus ] which is made predominantly of muscular tissues with several functions like contribution to the sense of taste, mastication, deglutition and articulation of sound. |
Partonomy |
TAH:E10200 |
corpus humanum
TAH:U2275 | |
TAH:U2276 | |
TAH:U2403 | lingua SOS |
TAH:U2404 | |
TAH:U2405 | |
TAH:U2406 |
TAH:U2407 | |
TAH:U2408 |
TAH:U2409 |
TAH:U2410 |
TAH:U2411 | |
TAH:U2412 | |
TAH:U2413 | |
TAH:U2414 | |
TAH:U2415 |
TAH:U2416 | |
TAH:U2417 | |
TAH:U2418 | |
TAH:U2419 |
TAH:U2420 | |
TAH:U2421 | |
TAH:U2422 |
TAH:U2423 |
TAH:U2424 | |
TAH:U2425 | |
TAH:U4893 | |
TAH:U2426 | |
TAH:U1728 | |
TAH:U2427 |
Total |
26 children
Taxonomy |
Date: 31.05.2024 |